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How do you use a custom domain on

by Admin

Hi friends,

To use a custom domain on a microsite at, make sure you have a domain first.

Before you add a new domain, please ensure the following things.

  • The domain name is correct

  • The domain has been purchased and is active

  • You cannot change the domain name after purchasing a domain add-on.

Here are the steps:

  • Log in to the dashboard

  • Select the Domain menu

  • Enter your domain name and click Continue

  • Next you will get 2 name servers to change in your domain settings (Wait for domain propagate like 5 - 15minutes)

  • Next put 2 DNS you got into your domain settings

  • Next, select the microsite you want to display for your custom domain, by clicking here

You can replace it with the microsite you have here.

Note: this service is only available in PRO and ULTIMATE services

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