Phishing or scam links are malicious links designed to trick and steal users’ personal information. It is an online fraud tactic where fraudsters create websites or links that appear legitimate and trustworthy, but are actually designed to steal sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, credit card information, or other personal data. Perpetrators typically use psychological manipulation techniques, create a sense of urgency, or offer attractive prizes to get victims to click on the link and enter their information.
Here are some important ways to identify and avoid phishing or scam links on social media:
Characteristics of Suspicious Links
URLs that are similar but slightly different from the original site
Unusual or strange domains
Many random characters in the URL
Using suspicious shortlinks
Very long URLs with unnatural characters
Signs of Suspicious Content
Recommended posts
Offers that are too tempting
Creating an excessive sense of urgency
Requesting sensitive personal data
Unprofessional language
Many spelling errors
Claiming unreasonable prizes/sweepstakes
How to Verify Links
Check the URL in detail
Check the official site for confirmation
Use a safe link checking tool
Verify the source of information
Check comments and reviews from other users
Security Steps
Don't click on suspicious links
Avoid entering personal data
Activate browser security
Update applications regularly
Use a trusted antivirus
If you have Already
Change your password immediately
Report to the relevant platform
Monitor suspicious activity
Contact your bank if it is financial
Document it for proof
Always be wary of links from unknown sources
When in doubt, it is better not to click
Protect your personal data
Educate those closest to you about the dangers of phishing
Report suspicious activity to the authorities