03 Agustus 2023How do I get a Microsite verified badge?If your microsite meets these criteria, you can submit a request for verification through the S.id website.
03 Agustus 2023What happens if I lose my microite verified badge?There are a few reasons why you might lose your microsite verified badge.
03 Agustus 2023What are the benefits of having a verified badge?If you believe that your microsite meets the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to submit a request for verification.
23 Juni 2023How to make your Microsite Verified?Now your microsite can be verified account, with this verification or badge, your microsite visitors will be safer and believe that you are trusted
13 Juni 2023Component - Profilecomponents are components that make it easy for you to create profiles on your microsite
31 Maret 2023Can s.id microsite links use emoji as links?No. Emojis cannot be used in link names/microsite links. But don't worry, titles and metatags can use emojis.
24 Maret 2023Components - Lock componentHi friends, now you can lock or protect your components on the microsite.